Post-doc Design of experimental studies on combination of haptic stimuli - 18 months
Référence : 2024-1760794
- Fonction publique : Fonction publique de l'État
Employeur :
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes
INSA Rennes - Localisation : 20 Av. des Buttes de Coesmes, 35700 Rennes, France
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- Nature de l’emploi Emploi ouvert uniquement aux contractuels
Nature du contrat
CDD d'1 an
- Expérience souhaitée Non renseigné
Rémunération (fourchette indicative pour les contractuels) Non renseigné
- Catégorie Catégorie A (cadre)
- Management Non
- Télétravail possible Non renseigné
Vos missions en quelques mots
These last years have seen an explosion of novel tactile technologies providing various haptic sensations across all the user’s body. However, while these technologies have now been made available, virtual reality systems are still struggling to convey compelling tactile sensations for 3D interaction. The project ADVHANDTURE aims at introducing an original computational approach for handling multimodal tactile feedback within immersive environments. For that purpose, the project relies on a multidisciplinary methodology, gathering knowledge in human perception, haptics, virtual reality mechanics and 3D interactions.
Within the context of ADVHANDTURE, the goal of the post-doct is to design experimental studies on the human hand perception of the combination of haptic stimuli in virtual reality. The main scientific question relies on the combination of tactile stimuli within the hand and how it is perceived in virtual reality. For that purpose, the main objective of the post-doc is to study how we can combine haptic stimuli through the design of experimental studies in virtual reality. The post-doc will start with the analysis of the literature. We will then proceed by developing several key aspects:
1) study the perceptual interaction and conflicts between vision and haptics when interacting objects in virtual reality,
2) design experimental studies combining haptic stimuli for evaluating the human perception,
3) analyze the collected data,
4) share the data with the community through international publications.
Profil recherché
The applicant should have a strong interest in working in a multidisciplinary team. Ideally, she/he has an experience in haptics domain:
● skills on neurosciences;
● knowledge in computer science and/or virtual reality;
● expertise in conducting perceptual experiments and analyzing the data;
● knowledge in data dissemination.
The candidate should be able to speak and write in English.
18 month contract.
How to apply :
Applications (diplomas, CVs) must be submitted by December 19, 2024 at the latest.
Successful candidates will be invited to an interview on January 9, 2025.
We recruit on the basis of skills, regardless of origin, age or gender, and all our positions are open to people with
Niveau d'études minimum requis
- Niveau Niveau 8 Doctorat/diplômes équivalents
- Anglais Avancé ou indépendant
Éléments de candidature
Documents à transmettre
Personnes à contacter
Qui sommes-nous ?
Created in 1966, INSA Rennes is a member of the INSA Group, the leading French network of state graduate and post graduate engineering schools, composed of 7 schools in France and 6 partner schools.Research and innovation are the key elements of INSA, which benefits from the expertise of its 168 professors and lecturers.
With six laboratories of international renown, three technological platforms and numerous industrial partners, INSA Rennes stands out for two poles of excellence: Information, Communication Science & Technologies / Materials, Structures & Mechanics.
À propos de l'offre
Vacant à partir du 25/11/2024
Chercheuse / Chercheur