ETI Appui aux réformes de gouvernance et de gestion des entreprises publiques - Ukraine (H/F)
Référence : 2024-1617910
- Fonction publique : Fonction publique de l'État
Employeur :
Expertise France
Expertise France - Localisation : Kiev
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- Nature de l’emploi Emploi ouvert aux titulaires et aux contractuels
- Expérience souhaitée Expert
Rémunération (fourchette indicative pour les contractuels) Non renseigné
- Catégorie Catégorie A+ (Encadrement supérieur - Autres emplois fonctionnels)
- Management Non renseigné
- Télétravail possible Non renseigné
Vos missions en quelques mots
Project description :
SOEs played a crucial role during the war, contributing to the country's economic resilience, particularly the railroad (UZ) and energy (Naftogaz) companies, which can be considered strategic assets. It is very likely that this role will continue to grow, and the definition of a strategy for managing state-owned enterprises, of which there are many in Ukraine (around 300), is a priority.
The OECD guidelines on governance of state-owned enterprises provide concrete advice to countries on how to manage their responsibilities as owners of enterprises more effectively, helping to make state-owned enterprises more competitive, efficient and transparent.
As part of the conditionalities of the current IMF program, but also with a view to EU accession negotiations, the Ukrainian government is reforming the governance system of Ukrainian SOEs to comply with OECD guidelines, including anti-corruption measures and the establishment of a Supervisory Board. Reforming the governance of state-owned enterprises will require a major overhaul of the current system.
A strategy for managing state-owned enterprises is currently being defined, but is still at a preliminary stage (via the State Property Fund). The Ukrainian authorities have expressed a desire to draw inspiration from the French model of the Agence des Participations de l'Etat (APE), with which initial discussions have already taken place.
Eventually, a strategy for the privatization (total or partial) of certain SOEs will have to be drawn up.
Profil recherché
- Graduate in a relevant field, such as finance or public affairs. A postgraduate degree in a relevant field or engineering qualifications will be added advantages.
- The candidate should also have a good knowledge of French state-owned companies (particularly in the energy sector) and a good knowledge of French and European regulations and legislation, particularly in relation to PSOs (Public service obligations) and SGEI (Service of general economic interest).
- Fluent English, Ukrainian a plus.
Professional experience:
- Experience in the governance of a public company;
- Knowledge of the operation and functionning of public companies and of the Agence des participations de l'Etat (French government shareholding agency);
- Experience in working with PSO (assignment of special duties) and SGEI (services of general economic interest) within the framework of the legislation of the European Union;
- Knowledge of OECD regulations;
- Experience in public company governance would be a plus (Agence des Participations de l'Etat).
Niveau d'études minimum requis
- Niveau Niveau 7 Master/diplômes équivalents
Éléments de candidature
Documents à transmettre
Qui sommes-nous ?
Descriptif de la structure d’accueil :
Intégré au sein du Ministère de l'Économie Ukrainien, l'expert.e sera placé.e sous l'autorité du Ministre de l'Économie adjoint.
Descriptif du service
Description of host organization: Ministry of the Economy / reporting to the Deputy Prime Minister
Job description:
As an integral part of the Ministry, the ETI will be responsible for monitoring and assisting the administration in defining a strategy for the management of public enterprises, by providing expertise on the French and European model, and for implementing governance reforms, including the fight against corruption, by advising the administration on the fundamental issues relating to the reforms and projects to be implemented, as well as assisting in relations between the Ministry and Ukraine's partners (particularly European and multilateral). The ETI will be able to lead a Task Force with the EPA and the technical teams in charge of these issues within the Ukrainian administration.
Main tasks and expected results:
- analyze the situation of Ukrainian SOEs, based on the OECD report (OECD Review of Corporate Governance of SOEs. Ukraine) and a field analysis of a sample of SOEs;
- assist the Ministry of Economy in drafting a strategy for the short-term management of SOEs and long-term privatization,
- assist the Ministry of the Economy in implementing the reforms required by the IMF and the EU in terms of SOE governance, in application of OECD rules,
- share French expertise via the EPA model (by setting up a TaskForce), and encourage technical exchanges and cooperation.
À propos de l'offre
Informations complémentaires :
- Célibat géographique imposé;
- Type de contrat: contrat de travail de droit privé (les agents publics seront détachés auprès d'Expertise France pour la durée de la mission);
- Rémunération établie selon la politique de rémunération d'Expertise France: salaire de base + le cas échéant forfait famille + prime de technicité et d'expatriation + prise en charge des frais de logement* et, le cas échéant, de gardiennage* + prise en charge des frais de scolarité* pour les enfants de moins de 21 ans accompagnant l'expert dans le pays de résidence + billets d'avion aller-retour adresse contractuelle - lieu de résidence, soit 1 aller initial, 1 aller-retour intermédiaire, 1 retour final + prise en charge des déménagements* et de visa* + Couverture sociale (CFE, mutuelle, prévoyance).
(Les éléments signalés par une * correspondent à des frais remboursés à l'expert sur justificatifs, dans la limite du budget alloué par Expertise France).
NB: Les candidat(e)s intéressé(e)s par cette opportunité sont invité(s) soumettre leur dossier dans les meilleurs délais, Expertise France se réservant la possibilité de procéder à la présélection avant cette date.
Documents à fournir :
- CV;
- Lettre de motivation.
Vacant à partir du 01/09/2024
Conseillère spécialisée / Conseiller spécialisé à l'étranger